Sound Design & Music for Games

I am currently the Sound Designer & Composer for Ira, Act 1: Pilgrimage.

Below is my portfolio of game scenes with sound design, game design, and music by me.

In addition to composing music and creating sound effects, I have experience doing audio implementation in Unreal Engine, Unity, and FMOD.


Sound Design & Music Test with Jackbox Games

Building a sound world in the Viking Village

I designed this game using a Unity template. I then composed the music, created and implemented the sound design. This was created with Unity & FMOD.

Created with Unity. I used the Karting Microgame as a template to create a Mario Kart style racing game. The purpose of this project was to compose four tracks for the game (menu scene, game scene, lose scene, win scene).

During the 2020 Spooky Game Jam Midwest held by the IGDA I joined Next Realm Studios to compose music for their game Silence Speaks.
For this project I composed the music in just a few hours and handed the music over to the team at Next Realm Studios. Meanwhile, I was also the lead game designer for another group in the same game jam creating Maze of Music. Busy weekend!

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