Dead Man’s Drink

This fall has been a busy mix of arts management for the Hyde Park Youth Symphony, Opera Festival of Chicago, and other climates as well as composing. I recently scored a new short film for the 48 Hour Film Project.

This project, directed by Jason Karynek, and produced by Max Hauser, had a creative script that I really enjoyed. These projects are always tough with the 48 hour time constraint, much like some of the Game Jams I’ve done in the past.
This project was a nice reunion with team members T.C. DeWitt and Kristen McCabe from the short film Cassie’s First Day.

For Dead Man’s Drink, I knew that time was going to be very restricted for me. In our production timeline, it was planned that I would have about 5 hours to write the music and get it synced up. So what I did was compose all of the themes and ideas from only the script in advance. It was a complicated situation, but T.C. DeWitt’s script was great, so I was able to surmise the look and feel of some of the scenes. Unfortunately – and this is always the way these things go – time was more crunched than expected and I had less time to work with. The team was great however, they came up with a terrific story that looked nice and I’m glad I got to write some music to help tell the story.
The Music
Below are some of the examples of sketches I put together for the film.
The story opens with an “old timey” detective flick playing on the TV, so I wrote a classical old orchestra motive and used a filter to cut off the low end and make it sound “older”. As the scene progresses you can imagine a slow fade out from the TV to reality showing the main character watching the TV in her living room. There was a bit of a science fiction element to the story, so I went with some ominous synth pads and a really simple melody. It’s almost a transitional sound, but when I wrote it I wasn’t sure how long it would take to zoom out from the TV to get to the “reality” scene.
Another important element was a jazz piece. This was supposed to be really simple with an obvious hook at the beginning, but then kind of fade away in the background. I stuck with a simple jazz trio.
The film will be coming out soon and I’ll be sure to share the full video once it’s released!