The Arc Project 2021 Festival

Hey Friends,

I’m excited to announce that I will be hosting a panel discussion for the Arc Project Festival about Composers & Technology on December 18, 2021. I’m saving up announcing the panelists for later on, but this will be a deep dive discussion about…well pretty spot on the topic: Composing & Technology.

We’ll be addressing some of the changes classical composers are experiencing with technology (and the challenges that accompany that), working with DAWs and notation software, workflows, and much more.

I’ve always been interested in the intersection of composing and technology. I remember the first Finale Note Pad I used in 2004. I also picked up some notation software from the library – no idea what it was, but it was…interesting to learn in. Of course, then I was in a punk band throughout high school and college and I learned so much about mixing, sound, and electronics. This is where I fell in love with gear.

Playing guitar in a band c. 2004

Speaking of composers & technology, I just picked up some brand new gear for the studio and I can’t wait to play with it more!


I have been thirsting for a mixing controller for years and I finally picked one up. It’s incredibly useful for the week I’ve been using it so far. I’m going to be working on a complete re-setup of my studio with it, but for now I can just say it’s so nice to mix with real faders again.

Alesis X2

Have I ever told you about the old Alesis X2 I had? She was a beast, something like 250lbs. It was fun to play with but age caught up to her. So sad, but good times mixing punk demos.

It’s been fun for me to discuss this topic with other composers and I’m excited to hear what you think.

  • What would you like to hear/learn about?
  • What questions do you have on the topic (especially for other composers)?
  • What makes you happy/sad/frustrated about technology?

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